Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Please do, please don't...

I had my neighbors over for dinner earlier this week. They were so funny in the conversation when I invited them. They said a new roommate would be moving in to their place. With the economy as it is, I thought, okay. I know they have an extra bedroom. But I didn't at all put two and two together... so then they said, the new baby would arrive at the beginning of January! How exciting. And congratulations! They brought me beautiful flowers when they came to dinner (so that's the please do...). Here they are:

But, I had bought some "good" salsa in the produce section. You know the kind. What Chipotle calls "fresh tomato salsa." I thought it would be a good second option to fresh guac with chips for an appetizer. Well, this is the please don't... please don't put cucumber in salsa. It does not belong!


Papa John said...

And while we're axing vegetables, I'd like to nominate Celery to be banned from the earth. J

M said...

Agreed. I don't ever buy celery and think of options if it's in a recipe and I think the crunch will be missed. Otherwise, it's just a stringy vegetable that breeds quickly.

Oh, and for the record, I'm not saying to banish cucumbers. They have a place - in Greek salads for example. I'm just saying they don't belong in salsa. Salsa is for onions, tomatoes, jalapenos, cilantro and that's just about it. (Sometimes corn, black beans and/or tomatillos might be allowed.)