Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell Rocks!

I watched Meet the Press today (for the first time since Tim Russert's untimely and much too early death earlier this year). I'm not huge into politics. However, I have a fascination with the three most recent people to hold the post of Secretary of State. Why, you ask, I have no idea. Maybe it's because I know people who work for the State Department. But really, I think it's probably just because they are fascinating people. Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice. So, my title isn't because Powell endorsed my candidate, it's rather because of something very thoughtful that he said. (I'd like to remind you that I'm no historian, first.) But this country was built up because people desired religious freedom. Powell called out the folks within the McCain campaign who are causing fear to swirl around Obama by saying that he is a Muslim (and in some cases a terrorist, but that's less what I'm talking about here). Powell confirmed what we all should know (espcially after the whole thing earlier this year with Obama's Christian Pastor), that Obama is Christian - always has been. But what he said after was why I think Colin Powell Rocks! He said that he thought it was crazy for us to be scared of someone because they are Muslim. Don't we have the right in this country to believe what we want! Each of us! And haven't Muslims been part of the military and died defending this country so we can all be free? Shouldn't Muslim (or Budhist or Hindi) children be able to believe that they can grow up and do what they want - to be president, if that's their dream? (If you didn't hear his touching story, I recommend that you at least try to find a podcast or read the transcript.) What he said was brilliant!

I also think this gets to the point of why I'm sometimes frustrated by the kids I teach. I feel like if they don't want to put forth the effort in my class, how are they going to be able to work towards their dreams. One thing I know, it takes a lot of effort (blood, sweat and tears - and this is absolutely true for me) to acheive dreams! Anyone can do it in this country, but you have to want it badly. Some of my students don't want it very badly (even though mine is a required course for 99% of their majors - so you'd think they would realized it was important).

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