Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Running Log

So you might ask how many miles do I run in an average year? This year my total so far has been 620 miles. Last year, my total for the year was only 500 miles. The significant increase all started in May when I was feeling a little sad the weekend after my grandmother went to heaven. I decided to take my uncle's challenge up again. I had conquered this 8.5 mile loop near my house that includes some significant hills along with some nice water views last November. So I decided to do it again. This meant increasing my long runs from 5 to 8.5 miles. This is not something I recommend. But it turned out fine and it meant that I was consistently running over 20 miles a week this summer. Now that my race is over, mileage is going to go down hill. There is a conference to prepare for, students to get on track, and a grant to write. Too much to do to take the time to run so much. Plus it is getting dark so early now and I really hate running long distances in the gym. So instead my winter pattern is more speed work with shorter distances.

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